Beth Welin, Choir member

The simple answer to why I give is - we are commanded to in the scriptures. But the deeper reason for why I have always felt compelled to give (in whatever way I could) was my Nana’s words and example. Nana was never financially well off, never owned a home, worked full time since being widowed in her early 50s, and had to deal with major family medical debts. Despite all this, she NEVER failed in giving her 10% to church. She once told me that even when it was very bleak, God always provided what her family needed. She felt that since God was always looking out for them, the least she could do was to put Him first and give what He asked.

That lesson from Nana has stayed with me since my teens. During college and for the first years afterwards we found that we were living paycheck to paycheck so I tried to give to the church what I could through works such as running church fairs, overseeing choir libraries, teaching junior church, maintaining the church gardens etc. However, Nana’s example always weighed on my mind. So, when we finally were financially stable, it was actually a relief to be able to start giving the 10%.

We have greatly benefited from the music ministry at Christ Church, but it takes money to maintain the organ and keep an organist-choirmaster (especially a highly accomplished one who can provide the level of music we are known for at Christ Church). We very much appreciate the liturgy and services, but they can’t happen without a paid staff of clergy and support staff. I’m sure we all now appreciate being able to worship on rainy days without the water dripping through the roof and defacing parts of the sanctuary, again something that required financial resources to remedy. By pledging to the Stewardship campaign, we are helping our church not only meet the daily financial obligations to operate, but also plan ahead for bigger projects. Whether in worship, services or spaces, offering to God the BEST we possibly can is a way we can express our thanksgiving for all His blessings.


Brian & Kristen Carlson, parishioners

Our family has been coming to Christ Church for about four years now.  Over that time, we’ve come to appreciate so many things that make CC such a special community.  It’s hard to sum all of those up in a paragraph, but two things that really stand out are how warm and welcoming everyone has been from the day we first visited, and the breadth of activities outside of Sunday services available to kids and adults – church school, adult education classes, retreats, and many other things.  We’re very happy to have found a spiritual home here, and to support CC with our annual pledge.

Giving Options

Sharing the resources God has entrusted us with is an important part of our ministry and mission.  Thank you for your gift!

Three ways to give:

  1. Click the button below to make a one-time or recurring gift via our secure online donations system.*
  2. Set up electronic payments directly through your bank.
  3. Give cash or by check.

Online Giving  

Online giving is built into our existing church database, Realm, so all your contact info, up-to-the-minute giving history, and pledge management is in one spot.

Set Up Your Annual Pledge

  1. Log in to our church database here.*
  2. Click “Giving” in the left-hand menu, then the blue “+ Give” button at the top.
  3. Enter your pledge details (e.g. amount, frequency, start/end dates, credit/debit card).

*If you haven’t already set up your Realm account: 

  • Update your contact info and upload a photo - this helps put faces with names!
  • Click the lock icon and change your privacy setting to “Everyone in Our Church” so other parishioners can look up your contact info like a regular church directory. (Pledge/payment information is not viewable.)

If you have any questions about making a gift to Christ Church, please contact the church office at 978-468-4461 or [email protected]