at 9:15 a.m. in the Parish Hall or on Facebook Live. Coffee Is served in the Parish Hall.

September 15 -Dorothy Boorse presents, “Living Justly in a Rapidly Changing Globe:  Christians and Global Movements for Creation Care”
As stewards, humans play a special role in care-taking of creation, both non-human and our fellow human beings. Followers of Christ are called to be agents of peace and reconciliation. To do so, we have to address the triple threat of climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss, threats that harm the most vulnerable most and increase injustices already embedded in society. Across the world, young people suffer anxiety about the future, particularly about the environment. We Christians can help.

Are you interested in what people are doing around the world to solve climate change, reduce poverty, and stop pollution? Want to connect the dots in our local region to global issues? Concerned about sea level rise, heat waves and climate refugees and promoting a more just world? In this adult education session, we will discuss what the biggest global environmental issues are, some of the groups working to solve them, and where Christians are having the most impact.  We will show some opportunities for action, information sources for people who want to keep up, resources for those incorporating creation care into their spiritual practice, and discuss how to serve young people and others who are most vulnerable to climate change.

Upcoming Topics include:

  • September 22 - Patty Hanlon presents, “It Happened In My Backyard”
  • September 29 - Cynthia Linkas presents her new novel, VOWS, a reading, a discussion and questions. Her book is available at The Bookshop in Beverly Farms, Jaberwocky in Newburyport, and Amazon.
  • October 6 - Kristin Carlson
  • October 13 - The Rev. Susan Russell presents, "Mystical Hope"
  • October 20, 27 - Jim Zingarelli & Bruce Herman present, “Returning: Cape Ann and the Unknown Remembered Gate
  • November 3 - Liesl Smith presents, “Rules for life: the quiet challenge of monastic rules.”
  • November 10 - Bert Hodges presents, “Heaven come to earth: The hope for justice and for joy”
  • November 17 - Jan Carlberg presents, “Discovering or Remembering some of God’s Four Letter Words”
  • November 24 - Jennie-Rebecca Falcetta presents, "Decoding Contemplation: The Painted Inscriptions of David Jones"
  • December 1 - Advent Wreath-Making
  • December 8, 15, 22 - Tom Kelly presents, Hymns we Used to Sing and Christmas Carols I & II

Ockham's Kegger -

Where Stout Ales Meet Stout Ideas! 

If you are interested in learning about and discussing issues from a Christian perspective in a casual and relaxed atmosphere, then Ockham's Kegger is for you!  This event, sponsored by Christ Church of Hamilton & Wenham, will serve up challenging ideas to anyone who likes to think deep thoughts, meet new and interesting people, and have a brew.

The next Ockham's Kegger TBA soon! 

Other Learning Opportunities

  • Thursday Evening Book Group

    Father Patrick hopes you will join him in reading The Six Conversations: Pathways to Connecting in an Age of Isolation and Incivility by Heather Holleman.  From the back cover - "Are you looking for meaningful conversations?  For practical skills to connect with others?  Dr. Heather Holleman invites us to imagine better conversations and introduces the Four Mindsets of a Loving Conversation, along with all the best practices for enjoying great conversations.  Based on the dimensions of what it means to be human - the social, physical, emotional, cognitive, volitional, and spiritual - readers discover ways to engage in vibrant conversation, including effective questions and action steps to immediately implement in any situation."  Interested?  Please contact Father Patrick at [email protected] to let him know.  The book can be purchased through Amazon or your favorite local bookseller.

    Books Group meets Thursday, starting September 12 at 6:15-7:30 p.m.

  • Centering Prayer

    All are welcome for silent prayer, music, Lectio Divina, Visio Divina, and guided meditations. This is a gathering in Great Silence and Great Presence. Meetings are the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Library Meeting Room upstairs in the Church. Contact: Betsy Retallack.

  • Women's Spiritual Direction Group

    We will meet once a month on the 2nd Saturday at 9:30-11:30 a.m.
    This will be a time of quiet in which to ponder the direction our relationship with God is taking in our lives. There will be a meditation followed by silence during which we can write and/or pray about whatever comes into our minds and hearts.  There will then be a short time to talk about our experience.
    If you are interested, please contact the group leader, parishioner, Judy Norton

  • Stephen Ministry Training

    Christ Church offers a 50 hour Stephen Ministry training course each year. The class meets twice per month September - June. Participants are prepared to offer confidential, Christ-like support and care to those in crisis - whether it be from job loss, divorce or loss of a loved one. Click here for more information and a list of training topics.

    If you would like to learn more, please contact: Mother Susan

  • "Going Deeper" Spirituality Groups

    We have been following the Renovaré (renewal) curriculum which has led us into rich discussions of our varied spiritual backgrounds and has prompted the sharing of new ways to come closer to Almighty God.

    To learn more, please contact: Mother Susan


    A Spiritual Formation Workbook: Small Group Resources for Nurturing Christian Growth, by James Bryan Smith. (Available through Amazon)