Garden Guild

Our goal is to be good stewards of the church's grounds, to enhance its beauty for the enjoyment of parishioners and the wider community, and to encourage people to find peace, joy, and beauty in our physical space.

We gather weekly during the growing season for a great time digging in the dirt, getting to know one another, and tending the church grounds.  This crew works for about two hours, then we throw something on the grill and gather for a potluck meal.  Newcomers are always welcome, and can come with any level of gardening skills!

To get involved, please contact Abigail Butt.

Join us in 2025! 

Regular Gatherings:

Most Tuesdays, during good weather,

Approximately May 13 thru September 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM

(Request to be added to the Garden Guild email list to get specific week-by-week details)