at 9:15 a.m. in the Parish Hall or on Facebook Live. Coffee Is served in the Parish Hall.
Upcoming Topics
- March 9-April 6: The Book of Proverbs presented by Dr. Joanna Kline of Gordon College
The biblical book of Proverbs is a collection of wisdom sayings attributed to Israel’s wisest ruler, King Solomon. It provides numerous examples of what it looks like to live a wise and virtuous life, touching on practical topics like work, relationships, money, and health. The book also addresses bigger issues, such as the connection between righteousness and material success and the limits of human wisdom. In this Lenten series, we will examine various facets of the book of Proverbs from the everyday to the esoteric in an effort to understand what living wisely means in the world today.
Weekly topics:
March 16 – Wealth and Poverty in Proverbs
March 23 – Proverbs and Ancient Near Eastern Wisdom
March 30 – Humor and Humility in Proverbs
April 6 – Women and Wisdom in Proverbs
- April 27 & May 4: presented by Jonathan Kline
- May 11: presented by Jan Carlberg
- May 18: presented by Scott Harlan
Recordings of previous presentations can be found on our YouTube Channel.
Ockham's Kegger -
Where Stout Ales Meet Stout Ideas!
If you are interested in learning about and discussing issues from a Christian perspective in a casual and relaxed atmosphere, then Ockham's Kegger is for you! This event, sponsored by Christ Church of Hamilton & Wenham, will serve up challenging ideas to anyone who likes to think deep thoughts, meet new and interesting people, and have a brew.
The next Ockham's Kegger TBA soon!